Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Addie LaRue is a beautiful book if you go in with no expectations. Perfect for a relaxing holiday. Schwab is very good at creating interesting characters and succeeded again with Addie, Luc, Henry and even Henry’s friends. I would have love more of their interaction, but they did get lost in the lyrical waxing of … Continue reading Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Mini Reviews: January 2021

The Lives of the Saints by Leigh Bardugo, Illustrations by Daniel J. Zollinger This, like The Language of Thorns, is a beautiful book. The physical copy with it’s red binding and gold lettering feels like an artifact straight out of Ravka. It’s truly something special to have on your book shelf. Then, when you open … Continue reading Mini Reviews: January 2021

2021: We’re back.

Well, I think we all can agree that last year was a bit rubbish. And honestly this year isn't starting off great either with the pandemic raging forth and America going the way of a Animal Farm live action dramatization. But hey, it's a new year, so lets give it a good old try. First … Continue reading 2021: We’re back.

Mini Reviews: January 2019


Wow, this month flew past. January is over. This isn't a new year anymore… So, mini reviews, because these days I don’t seem to have enough brain power left at the end of the day to write reviews the size of essays. Most of the books I read this month fists one or both challenges. … Continue reading Mini Reviews: January 2019

Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2018


December has been a lot of crazy and not a lot of reading.  But let’s ignore this month and instead proceed to wrap-up 2018. My little blog has made it past a year and that is a victory for someone who flutters from one project to another without finishing anything. I have fallen far behind … Continue reading Monthly Wrap-Up: December 2018

The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag – 2018


Hello you lovely book nerds. July is almost over so I better kick this post out the door before it's too late. I don’t know where this tag originated, so let me know if you do. Firstly some personal stuff. Proceeding, some of reviews might not have an illustration included. I would like to draw … Continue reading The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag – 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Want to Read Before the End of the Year


I’ve done well this year reading wise.  I’m nearly done with my “Book you didn’t get to in 2017” list. Just Lost and Gone Forever to go and it’s patiently waiting next to my bed. But what books are on the serious to do list? Well, I am still busy with the #fireheartsareadalong so the … Continue reading Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Want to Read Before the End of the Year

Top 5 Wednesday: Auto-Buy SFF Authors


Easiest list ever! These are my top five favourite authors and you don’t need to poke me with a stick to buy one of their books. No big surprises in this post. Victoria Schwab / V.E. Schwab Leigh Bardugo Neil Gaiman Brandon Sanderson Terry Pratchett Top 5 Wednesday's currently-reading book montage 8626 members Welcome to … Continue reading Top 5 Wednesday: Auto-Buy SFF Authors

Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite M/M Couples


February is the month of love and so the Top 5 Wednesday topics for this month reflects that. I haven’t read much LGBTQ so far. The Sumage Solution has been on my reading list since it came out, but I haven't got around to it yet. Being restricted to literature made it a bit of … Continue reading Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite M/M Couples