Update: I will not be accepting any more review requests for the time being.

All reviews will reflect my honest opinion in a tactful and respectful way.  By accepting or receiving a book, I do not guarantee that it will be read immediately. I will do my best to read it in a timely manner (unless a deadline is required) and will feature on the blog and other social media platforms related to the blog. It will be stated in the review whether or not the book was sent to me.

Book Formats

Advance Reading Copies and Review Copies. Paperback/hardback copies or audio-books. (Caveat: The South African postal services are very unreliable so a digital format is preferable.)

I’ll accept printable PDFs, but only two a month as they can become overwhelming. Please see the Request List for more information.

No Ebooks/Kindle versions, as my eyes will not survive looking at a screen even more than usual.


I read predominantly Speculative Fiction, but will dip my toe into anything that piques my interest. As long as the story isn’t excessively political, erotic, sports-based or religious.

I will not accept books that are a part of a ongoing series, unless I have read the previous installments.

Information Required

  • Book Title and Author
  • Genre
  • A Short synopsis of the book.
  • If there is a deadline for the review. (This may effect if I am able to take on the review.)
  • High resolution promo images.
  • Any other information you deem necessary.

Contact Me


Make sure that the subject line says BOOK REVIEW. Alternatively, you can fill in the form on the Contact page.
