
I will not be accepting any more review requests for the time being.

The reason for this is that I already have a pile of books ready for 2019 as well as the backlogged TBRs from 2018. There will be less time available in my schedule for reading, so the reviews will be cut back a little. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience. 

TBR List

The Crimson Heirlooms – Hunter Dennis

Unearthed After Sunset – Lauryn April

The Colonel and the Bee – Patrick Canning

Fountain Dead – Theresa Braun

Hearts Are Like Balloons – Candace Robinson

The Fifth Era of Man – Joshua Banker

The Emissary – Tamara Veitch and Rene DeFazio

Time Crawlers – Varun Sayal

Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse – Jack D. Mclean

Cloud Cuckoo – R.E. Palmer

The Plague – Don Lubov

The Last Amazon – Jamison Stone and David Granjo

Loner – Hildur Sif Thorarensen

Traveller Inceptio – Rob Shack

Dreams of Fire – Christian Cura