Webtoon 2021 Summary

Well, I did say the reason I didn't read a lot of novels this year was because I was reading webcomics instead. And luckily Webtoon came along with a yearly summary to prove my point. 179 Series! That caught me by surprise, but going through my subscribed list... it probably shouldn't have. I'm not going … Continue reading Webtoon 2021 Summary

Mini Reviews: November 2021

This blog is suffering from abandonment issues. Poor thing. But lets not linger on that. After all, I did read some books this year, so lets do mini reviews. Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims If you have read some of my previous posts, then you know I'm a big fan of The Magnus Archives. There … Continue reading Mini Reviews: November 2021

Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Addie LaRue is a beautiful book if you go in with no expectations. Perfect for a relaxing holiday. Schwab is very good at creating interesting characters and succeeded again with Addie, Luc, Henry and even Henry’s friends. I would have love more of their interaction, but they did get lost in the lyrical waxing of … Continue reading Review: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Mini Reviews: January 2021

The Lives of the Saints by Leigh Bardugo, Illustrations by Daniel J. Zollinger This, like The Language of Thorns, is a beautiful book. The physical copy with it’s red binding and gold lettering feels like an artifact straight out of Ravka. It’s truly something special to have on your book shelf. Then, when you open … Continue reading Mini Reviews: January 2021

Mini Reviews: January 2020

January has been a slow month reading wise. I spent most of my time coding. Unfortunately GoodReads does not accept C# as reading progress. Podcast update: On episode 102 of The Magnus Archives. If you love Lovecraft, William Hope Hodgson or eldritch horror in general, then go check them out. Wayward Son (Simon Snow #2) … Continue reading Mini Reviews: January 2020

Mini Reviews: December 2019

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle You know the feeling you get when a book is definitely going to mess with you? Well, Evelyn Hardcastle is the most insane book I've read in a long time. And it's brilliant. Blackheath is a tangled web filled with a pit of venomous snakes.It is a multiple murder … Continue reading Mini Reviews: December 2019

Mini Reviews: September 2019

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson A wonderful fantasy novel filled with magic and books. Especially books that have a personality and might bite your hand off if you don't treat them with respect. Flavors of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji and Clockwork Princess. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater Starts off like an angst filled Twilight … Continue reading Mini Reviews: September 2019

Review: King of Scars

King of Scars is brilliant.  Okay, I probably should do a review for people how haven't read any of the Grishaverse novels first.  King of Scars is a rich fantasy novel filled with political drama, fairy tale magic and charming characters that will creep into your heart and stay there. The magic of the Grishaverse is the dark … Continue reading Review: King of Scars

Review: The Crimson Heirlooms

I tried my best with this book. I tried for almost a year, but in the end it defeated me. It's so long winded. Like a chronicler recounting facts. It's a very dry history lesson vaguely disguised as a novel. I found the philosophy pretentious and overbearing.So much of the book is men drinking wine … Continue reading Review: The Crimson Heirlooms

Review: The Feather Thief

First a warning.  This review might dissolve into a rant. Not about the book. The book was a descent read. Well written and to the brim with information. But I found the subject matter really upsetting.  The book is about a heist that took place in a natural history museum. No spoilers there. Says so on … Continue reading Review: The Feather Thief